SPEAKER: Loren Swanson, Past President of Roseville Rotary
TOPIC: Update on the Uganda Water Project
Loren Swanson, has been a Rotarian since 2004 and a Paul Harris Fellow since 2012. During that time, he has worked as a photographer for his club, served as its President, and donated several glider rides to the club which have helped raise funds for projects.
Loren has traveled to Uganda on two occasions working on projects there including 5 containers of books from Books for Africa. He helped construct a community center in a small village while staying in the homes of the villagers when there.
Loren has also successfully completed 3 water projects in Uganda which have saved the local citizens hours per day of carrying potable water for their use.
Recently, he worked with his club and the City of Roseville to provide windscreens for the local pickleball court.
Loren now has a 4th water project to tell us about and is asking for our cooperation and support.
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For the meeting of October 25, 2023 there are 31 cards and 3 Jokers. The pot stands at $603.00. Ticket donations are: $1 for 1 ticket; $2 for 3 tickets; $3 for 5 tickets; $5 for 10 tickets; and $10 for 25 tickets. Three lucky winners are chosen each week; the first two tickets drawn win $5, the third winner draws a card from the deck in hopes of pulling an Ace to win a share of the pot. If a joker is pulled, it will cost the winner a $2 contribution to the pot. If the Ace of Spades is pulled, the pot is awarded equally to all who have pulled an Ace from the current deck, and the drawing starts over again.