The DanO Fund is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit with a mission of increasing access to mental health resources and programming, and raising awareness of mental health issues. We work to end the stigma of mental illness, which often prevents those who are impacted from getting the help they need, and can even lead to suicide.
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All fines collected will be used to support local organizations such as 360 Communities, The Open Door, MOMS, etc.
Congratulations to the 2023-2024 Elected Slate of Club Officers
For the meeting of May 24, 2023 there are 46 cards and 3 Jokers. The pot stands at $162.00. Ticket donations are: $1 for 1 ticket; $2 for 3 tickets; $3 for 5 tickets; $5 for 10 tickets; and $10 for 25 tickets. Three lucky winners are chosen each week; the first two tickets drawn win $5, the third winner draws a card from the deck in hopes of pulling an Ace to win a share of the pot. If a joker is pulled, it will cost the winner a $2 contribution to the pot. If the Ace of Spades is pulled, the pot is awarded equally to all who have pulled an Ace from the current deck, and the drawing starts over again.