Upcoming Events
Fall Highway Cleanup
Oct 03, 2023
AVRSF Fall Meeting
Wayne's Office
Oct 06, 2023
7:00 AM – 9:00 AM
Fall Park Cleanup
Oct 21, 2023
AV Rotary Fundraiser Chili Feed for Polio Plus
Cowboy Jacks
Oct 22, 2023
2:00 PM – 5:00 PM
View entire list
Upcoming Meeting Speakers
Oct 04, 2023
Breakfast and Tour at MN Zoo (Starts at 7:30 AM -- more details to follow)
Oct 11, 2023
Implementing the New Minnesota Cannabis Law in AV
Oct 18, 2023
Honoring Student of the Month + Horse Syndicate
Oct 25, 2023
Update on the Uganda Water Project
View entire list
Birthdays & Anniversaries
Member Birthdays
Robert Braun
October 4
Merv Nordstrom
October 15
David Tsurusaki
October 17
Join Date
Tom Lawell
October 6, 1999
24 years
John Dusek
October 16, 2002
21 years
Kevin Lovegreen
October 20, 2016
7 years
Ed Corbett
October 24, 2007
16 years
Wayne Hilbert
October 31, 2012
11 years
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What's new this week?

What's New This Week!

***NOTE Location and Start Time Change***

Meeting Location is at the Minnesota Zoo and Meeting Starts at 7:30am


SPEAKER:  Treetop Trail Visit at the Minnesota Zoom  


TOPIC:  Treetop Trail

Minnesota Zoo Arrival Instructions:

This is a reminder that we will be meeting in the Minnesota Zoo’s Education Events Center at 7:30 am on Wednesday, October 4th; here are arrival instructions:
  • Enter the Zoo grounds through the main driveway (13000 Zoo Boulevard should direct you there)
  • Turn left at the 4-way stop
  • Keep driving past all but the last parking lot entrances until you face the zoo buildings, then turn right to park in Dolphin lot (I recommend parking in the blue circled area as it is the closest to the EEC)
  • The meeting space will be on the left as you face the front of the zoo; walk to the left past the cinder block buildings down a short driveway, and you will see a sign for the Education Events Center.
A continental breakfast will be served. Zoo staff will be making a presentation before we have the chance to walk all or part of the Treetop Trail.  The trail is a 1.25 mile walking path that is elevated up to 32 feed above the ground.




NEW...Do you miss paying Happy you can - Click Here

All fines collected will be used to support local organizations such as 360 Communities, The Open Door, MOMS, etc.





Weekly Raffle Update
For the meeting of October 3, 2023 there are 33 cards and 3 Jokers. The pot stands at $564.50Ticket donations are: $1 for 1 ticket; $2 for 3 tickets; $3 for 5 tickets; $5 for 10 tickets; and $10 for 25 tickets. Three lucky winners are chosen each week; the first two tickets drawn win $5, the third winner draws a card from the deck in hopes of pulling an Ace to win a share of the pot.  If a joker is pulled, it will cost the winner a $2 contribution to the pot.  If the Ace of Spades is pulled, the pot is awarded equally to all who have pulled an Ace from the current deck, and the drawing starts over again.  
Speaker Rotation - Who's Up?

Upcoming Speaker


July 2023-June 2024
October (Team: Paul Heil, Jake Hines, David Tsurusaki)
10/18/23 - Student of the Month - and Horse Syndicate
November (Team: Gwen Aaberg, John Dusek,III, Jim Friend)
11/15/23 - Club Assembly
11/22/23- NO MEETING
11/29/23- Student of the Month - No Outside Speakers
December (Team: Wayne Hilbert, Nick Francis, Scott Ramsdale) 
12/6/23 - Holiday Party
12/20/23 - Student of the Month - No Outside Speaker
January (Team: Tom Lawell, Terry Merritt, Clint Hooppaw)
1/17/24 - Student of the Month - No Outside Speakers
February (Team: Gloria Myre, Jessica Fields, Pat Selchow)
2/21/24 - Student of the Month - No Outside Speakers
March (Team: Jodi Ellingson, Chris Farris, Mark Bodin, Tasha Wells)
3/20/24 - Student of the Month - No Outside Speakers
April (Team: Brian Bessler, John Hartley, Bruce Nordquist, Brian West)
4/17/24 - Student of the Month - No outside speakers
May (Team: Bill Butler, Ed Corbett, Kevin Lovegreen, Alan Player)
5/15/24 - Student of the Month - No outside speakers
June (Team: Robert Braun, Eva Cheney-Hatcher, Linda Garrett-Johnson, Mike Schwie)
6/26/24 - President's Dinner